
Showing posts from April, 2007
Today we went to the park. It was so fun. I love it when the weather gets warm. I am always ready for the change of season when it happens.

County Fair

Preston had his county report due yesterday and we all went to the school to his County fair. He did his report on Washington County. It was fun to go and see all of the projects. Here are some pics.

five years post transplant

Well I decided to start a blog today. What better day then when Jared is five years post transplant. I can't believe it has been five years. This is what he looked like five years ago today. We have come a long way baby. I wanted to name this sight time of our life because I want us to remember that things can change so fast and we need to make sure we are having a good time right now, today. Five years ago we didn't know if you would live or die. And it was so scary. Now we have a new baby and you are back to work and doing great. I'm so grateful for the many miracles in our life. HAPPY BIRTHDAY JARED!!!! I love you!!!! Sinner