Catching up

I always think I wont get behind on my blog but I do. So this is a huge catch up of what has been going on the last few months. I really want to add it because I am making this blog into a book at the end of the year for our family history. So this first set of pictures is of Jared playing pirates with the kids one day. It was so cute and the kids had so much fun playing. This was at Easter and to be honest with you the only pictures I took at Easter time. We got a great surprise one day from Jared's work. They sent us these beautiful bunny cookies with our names on them. I truly made our day and the kids enjoyed every bite of the cookies. Jared showing off his bunny ears We have been having a really cold spring and one day in May it snowed again so Carson talked me into going out and helping him build a snowman. He was pretty proud of that snowman. It was sad that it only lasted a few hours it was gone by the end of the day.