All aboard the choo choo train.

I know I have blogged about this before but I am going to do it again. Carson is so cute with Morgan. They adore each other. She follows him around wherever he goes and he plays with her so cute. Today when he saw her after she woke up he said "Good morning Morgan. How is the cutest baby sister in the whole world" it just melts my heart. So today when I went to put in some laundry Carson was riding his little green car bike and he backed up and hit Morgan with it. She was following him without him knowing about it. He felt bad and kissed her and said he was sorry. Then he went and got her bumbo and had his sisters tie his bike to the bumbo and wanted to give Morgan a ride behind his bike. Of course the bumbo wont move at all but it was so cute and so sweet. I thought I would share.