Happy Birthday Morgan
Can it be true? My baby is already one. I decided to go with cupcakes for Morgan's birthday. I found this lady that makes these cute cupcake t-shirts and couldn't resist getting Morgan one. And then Jennet made her a skirt to go with it. I also found this cute cupcake clip. She was ready for her big day.
Morgan has been a fun baby. She was a little fussy at first but she is so fun now. She loves to play with Carson. She loves to play patti cake, She loves her daddy. When ever he is around she wants him to hold her. It makes it hard for Jared to go to work sometimes because she just wants him to hold her. She also loves Brooklynn. She will settle for Brook more than she will for me sometimes. She started walking just a few weeks ago but still likes to crawl to get around more than walk. She is one of those babies that just goes with the flow. We love having Morgan in our family. Happy birthday little one. We love you so very much.
Morgan in her Birthday outfit.

Checking out her cupcakes( Now Jared thought this was a mean picture because I put her up there than told her no when she wanted to touch the cupcakes)

Looking at her statue from Grandma Shauna.

Eating her cupcake. She wasn't to sure at first so just kind of picked at it. But then she really got into it and enjoyed it.

Morgan has been a fun baby. She was a little fussy at first but she is so fun now. She loves to play with Carson. She loves to play patti cake, She loves her daddy. When ever he is around she wants him to hold her. It makes it hard for Jared to go to work sometimes because she just wants him to hold her. She also loves Brooklynn. She will settle for Brook more than she will for me sometimes. She started walking just a few weeks ago but still likes to crawl to get around more than walk. She is one of those babies that just goes with the flow. We love having Morgan in our family. Happy birthday little one. We love you so very much.
Morgan in her Birthday outfit.

Checking out her cupcakes( Now Jared thought this was a mean picture because I put her up there than told her no when she wanted to touch the cupcakes)

Looking at her statue from Grandma Shauna.

Eating her cupcake. She wasn't to sure at first so just kind of picked at it. But then she really got into it and enjoyed it.
