A rough month for Preston
Before Surgery

After Surgery

November 2011
So I have to admit that poor Preston has been neglected by Jared and I. He told us in july he had ingrown toenails and we just kind of blew him off. He also let me know how hard it was for him to run because he couldn't breath through his nose. Again I just didn't really do anything about it. The poor kid has been snoring for years and I didn't think much about it. Then we go to the orthodontist and he tells me that they can't do anything more with his work without a gum graft.
I finally decided to help the poor kid and scheduled him to get his ingrown toenails done. Both big toes were bad. He did that then a week later I had him into the ENT office. A week after that he was ready for surgery. Tonsils, adenoids needed to come out and a deviated septum needed to be fixed. Poor kid. Then a week or so after that he was in getting his gum graft. He was a trooper through it all. I was crazy busy with finals for school at the time and doing Nutcracker with Madison so the poor kid just kind of took care of himself. Now that it is all over and everything is healed up he is glad we did it.
A funny story that goes along with his ENT surgeries they gave Preston his anesthetic and went to wheel him back to the operating room. All the way down the hall he was holding his hands up and yelling "Wheee" He thought he was on a roller coaster. The doctors and nurses where all laughing at him. Thats my boy!

After Surgery

November 2011
So I have to admit that poor Preston has been neglected by Jared and I. He told us in july he had ingrown toenails and we just kind of blew him off. He also let me know how hard it was for him to run because he couldn't breath through his nose. Again I just didn't really do anything about it. The poor kid has been snoring for years and I didn't think much about it. Then we go to the orthodontist and he tells me that they can't do anything more with his work without a gum graft.
I finally decided to help the poor kid and scheduled him to get his ingrown toenails done. Both big toes were bad. He did that then a week later I had him into the ENT office. A week after that he was ready for surgery. Tonsils, adenoids needed to come out and a deviated septum needed to be fixed. Poor kid. Then a week or so after that he was in getting his gum graft. He was a trooper through it all. I was crazy busy with finals for school at the time and doing Nutcracker with Madison so the poor kid just kind of took care of himself. Now that it is all over and everything is healed up he is glad we did it.
A funny story that goes along with his ENT surgeries they gave Preston his anesthetic and went to wheel him back to the operating room. All the way down the hall he was holding his hands up and yelling "Wheee" He thought he was on a roller coaster. The doctors and nurses where all laughing at him. Thats my boy!