Playing catch up

Wow it has been a long time since I have done a blog post. So much has happened and I have to admit feeling a little sad I didn't keep up on the blog so we could have a journal of what has happened in our family the last four years. Can it really be that long. Wow! There is no way to catch up everything but I want to get back on track and go forward from here. But maybe for this post I will do a recap of the last four years. So here we go. First lets get an update on Jared. Jared had a real struggle for awhile. His pain got so bad he was miserable with life and would just sit in a chair all day long. It was heartbreaking. But today thanks to a pain pump that runs good meds right to his spine he is able to sit at a better pain level and have a better quality of life. He is a great dad and takes good care of things while I am at work. He keeps us all laughing and even though his health is not back to normal he is able to live and be aware of what we are all doing. It is so nice. He is still on some medications to help his Leukemia stay controlled. It is working well. We are so grateful. He is a great leader of our home and is a spiritual giant. And even though he is still dealing with so much as far as his health is concerned you never hear him complain. He is my Hero. Cindy(Me) I am curantly working at a medical supply company and I am working on opening my own business called "Bring The Joy." It will be a business to help people know that you can have joy even when there is struggle. I am very excited about it. I love being a mom and I love the things I have learned the last few years to bring more Joy in my life by making decisions everyday that help me spiritually, in my mindset, in my body space, and in my relationships. We have a great time and just try to live in the present moment. Brooklynn- Last time you saw Brook she was on her way to junior prom. So much has happened with her. She is now a college student and will soon be getting a mission call. So exciting. She is a joy to be around and has grown up to be one amazing Young Adult. The kids love when she is home for a visit because she brings such a great spirit into our home. Brook is into improve at college and is working on getting her associates degree. She is hard working and very in tune to how people feel and is a great support to all those who know her. She has great friends and is a teacher for the Relief Society. Preston- Preston is serving a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. He is part of the Washington D.C. South Mission. He is doing great and he is an amazing person. He gives the best hugs and makes me laugh every time I talk to him or read on of his letters. He was in Madrigals in high school and loves Star Wars. He makes everyone he is around feel good. Madison- Madison will be a Junior in High School. We last saw her when she was graduating from sixth grade. She is in the Davis High Marching Band and she loves it. She is kind hearted and full of life. She always has to be busy doing something. She is beautiful and is a great friend to everyone. She just passed her driving test and will soon be getting her drivers license. (Crazy). London- London is going into the 8th grade. She loves to sing and cook and she is as sweet as the day is long. She helps out around the house and is a great help to me and her dad. She is great with kids and is also really fun to be around. She made it into one of the top singing groups at Kaysville Junior High. She is a hard working student. She is also a great friend. Carson- Carson will be going into 4th grade. Last time you saw him he was graduating from Kindergarten. He is a kind hearted kid who loves animals and is very thoughtful about everything. He loves being a cub scout and he also loves playing the game Mind Craft with his friends. He is a great help around the house and takes great care of his little sister Morgan. He brings a calm into our house that is amazing. He is a great student and loves learning new things. He is always telling me fun facts about things and it is amazing how much he knows about so many things. Morgan- Morgan is going into the second grade. She is an amazing reader and loves to learn. She won an award at school for being the best math student in her class. She has a great laugh and she loves to be the boss of the house. She gives the greatest hugs and can sing really well. Ready for pics? This will be over load for sure but fun for me to go back and see how far we have come over the last four years.
Well there you go snap shots of the last four years. So many good memories. I will now keep current on our life from here.


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