Christmas day

We had a nice Christmas. The kids were told they couldn't wake us up until 8:00 and they didn't. But you can bet they were in there at 8:00 sharp. We told them that since Morgan wasn't awake yet they had to wait. Next thing I hear is them in the next room saying so who is going to wake up Morgan. She didn't sleep much longer and by 8:30 we were all awake getting ready to go upstairs and see if Santa came. Jared and I were trying to climb out of bed when we hear little foot steps running across the floor upstairs. We look at each other and jump out of bed. Carson had already upstairs and was running back down to let us know that Santa had come. He kept yelling"Santa came, Santa came and he brought me a DS." It was so funny. He won't get away with that next year but this year it was funny. We have a tradition in our family. We have the kids line up youngest to oldest and then they go in to see what Santa brought. Here is a picture of them lined up. I thought...