
We had a new experience this Christmas. Madison and London are both taking ballet from Clytie Adams School of ballet. They both love it very much. Every year Clytie puts on a production of the Nutcracker. Madison decided that she would like to try out to be in it.(London couldn't try out because you have to be eight years old to try out) I was nervous because this is her first year of ballet and I heard that it is hard to get into Clytie's nutcracker but I like my kids to try out just if only for the experience. Well Madison made it. She was given the part of a cookie. We were very excited for her. It was amazing for her to be able to be in this production. They perform at the Weber State University Browning Center on this huge stage with a live orchestra. Jared and I just kept saying to each other what nine year old get this kind of opportunity. We were so grateful she got to be a part of it. I took my camera with me when we went to see the performance but Madison was back getting in her costume and getting ready to be on stage and they wouldn't let us back to take any pictures so I only got pictures of the kids. Then on the night I was helping back stage I forgot my camera. I was so mad. I asked on of the other moms to take a picture of me and send it to me but I think she forgot:( So I don't have any pictures of Madison to post. But she looked really cute in her cookie costume. And she loved being in the Nutcracker. She said she is going to try out again next year.