Back to School!

Today was the first day of school. The summer went so fast. I'm excited for the kids to have another great school year.

Brook 9th grade

Preston 7th grade(to cool to smile for a picture)

Madison 4th grade

London 2nd grade

Giving Carson a kiss goodbye. He will miss having them home to play with.


Mekelle said…
Oh My Goodness! What a cute family you have, and they are growing so fast. I bet they were all so excited to start school again...How fun!
Amy said…
Abby's first day was yesterday! I'm in love with the first day of school. Actually I pretty much love all days of school!
Cute pics, but my favorite is the last one with Carson smiling so big.
~*Heather*~ said…
What a fun letter London got! She must have been SOO excited!

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