Happy Birthday Preston!

Preston turned 12 years old on the 29th. I can't believe it! Where does the time go? I know I always say this but my little boy can't be going into junior high school. If you know Preston you know that he is a great kid. He loves telling jokes and is really good at it. He has the best laugh. It always puts a smile on my face. He is always willing to help us out when we need it. He has kept himself busy this last year by spending time with his friends, swimming on the swim team, scouting and of course at this age he loves his video games. He loves kicking back with Jared and playing World of Warcraft. Preston we love you! Happy Birthday!


Mekelle said…
Happy Birthday Preston! How fun--12 years old! My niece is twelve and starting Jr. High, and I am scared to death! Don't really know why--she is a great kid and stays out of trouble, but still it is JR. HIGH!

Looks like he had a great birthday. Your family is so cute!

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