
Showing posts from July, 2009

Fun at the zoo

A couple of weeks ago we decided it would be fun to take the kids to the zoo.(The extra kid you see is my nephew) Carson has been wanting to go and see the monkey's. He also really wanted to see the snakes. But after seeing them he said that he thinks snakes are freaky. We had a fun time and we will be going more because we bought a year pass. Looking at the monkeys

Happy Birthday Madison

Madison turned nine years old on the 5th of July. So we got to have two fun days in a row. She knew just what she wanted to do for her cake. So Jared worked his magic and made it just the way she wanted it. She was really excited. I just wanted to say that Madison is such a cute girl. We love her so much she makes us laugh and is such a good student in school. She is kind to everyone. The word that most people use when they talk to me about Madison is sweetheart. That is what she is. She is still our little chatter box but we love that about her too. Happy birthday Madison. We love you! Grandma Shauna gives the girls a Precious Moments statue every year. Grandma Meldrum was busy making Madison a sleeping bag and some shoes for her American Girl doll. They turned out so cute. And of course she had to surprise London and give her one too. Lucky girls. Every year we save our home fireworks for Madison's birthday.

4th of July

We had a great 4th of July! Waiting for the parade to start Morgan showing off the necklace she got. (Thanks Toco Time) Morgan and Carson asleep after the fun. Carson is in the basket of the stroller. A closer look of Carson. Every year we have a water fight at my brother and siter in laws house. Good Times!

Swim Meet

Preston is doing something new this summer He decided that he wanted to join a swim team. He loves it and he is doing really well. He had his first swim meet yesterday. He did a good job placing 9th out of 13 on the 100 meter free style swim.And he also did a 50 meter free style race. He really did well for his first meet and he loved competing. We had fun watching. Can't wait for the next one. This is a video of the 50 meter race. And one more picture of Morgan after the meet. I just set her down on the chair to pick up a few things and she went right to sleep. She was worn out!